

to heal


Bring yourself back to your light -

the perfection of who you are.

Let go of what does not serve you.

Open your heart.

Activate every cell in your body, clear stuck energy, and

return to a natural, balanced state of flow.  

Improve physical + energetic vitality and wellbeing.

Invite your spirit into your physical vessel.

Honor the temple of the body.

Increase clarity of mind

& deepen self-connection. 

Engage in an inner journey of self-love. 

Alchemize all that limits you

into boundless, unconditionally loving expansion.

Shift from efforting to ease, from control to surrender.

Realize sovereignty and freedom. 

“When you can rest in your true self, you become an instrument of the universe - a clear note in the symphony of creation.”

- Eileen Day McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health

Christie’s guidance is ever present and I am grateful for her clarity and direction when I struggle. Healing is an ongoing endeavor and it is a gift to have a trusted partner in this process. - Leslie, Philadelphia